PMSF 100mM
Dissolve 17.4 mg/mL in isopropanol
Store at -20C
30% Acrylamide/bis
72.5 mL Acrylamide 40%
1 g bis-acrylamide
Dissolve in water until 100 mL
10 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5
15 mM NaCl
Sterilize by autoclaving
IPTG 100 mM
For 20 mL, dissolve 476.6 mg IPTG in 20 mL water
TBS with 0.1% of Triton X-100
1 Kb dna ladder marker
Stock = 500 ug/uL
Dilute to 125 ng/uL
For work : 100 uL marker + 100 uL 1XTE + 200 uL 2XLB
100 bp dna ladder marker
Stock = 500 ug/uL
Dilute to 125 ng/uL
For work : 100 uL marker + 100 uL 1XTE + 200 uL 2XLB
1 Kb dna ladder marker
Stock = 250 ug (1 ug/uL)
Dilute to 125 ng/uL (1:8)
For work : 50 uL marker + 150 uL water + 200 uL 2XLB
Tris-Glycine Electroforesis Buffer 5X Stock
15.1 g tris base
94 g Glycine
900 mL water
50 mL SDS 10%
Addjust volume with water until 1000 mL
100 mM DTT (Stock 1M)
2% SDS
80 mM Tris-HCl pH 6.8
0.006% w/v bromophenol blue
15% Glycerol
Agarose TOP (100 mL)
LB powder for 100 mL
100 mg MgCl2
700 mg Agarose
Sterilize with autoclaving, store in refrigerator
Inclusion Body wash Solution 1 (Cold)
2 M urea
20 mM Tris
0.5 M NaCl
2% Triton X-100
Adjust to pH 8.00
20 mM Tris
0.5 M NaCl
2% Triton X-100
Adjust to pH 8.00
Solubilisation Buffer
20 mM Tris
0.5 M NaCl
5 mM Imidazole
6 M Guanidine HCl
1 mM Beta-mercaphtoethanol (BME)
Adjust to pH 8.00
(Concentration of BME might have to be optimized)
Equilibration buffer
300 mL ethanol 95%
95 mL Glycerol 50%
555 mL water