Method 1 (Lunn and Sansone 1987)
- Add 2.9 g of amberlite XAD-16 for each 100 mL of solution. Amberlite XAD-16, a nonionic, polymeric absorbent, is available from Rohm and Haas.
- Store the solution for 12 hours at room temperature, shaking it intermitently.
- Filter the solution through Whatman No.1 filter, and discard the filtrate.
- Seal the filter and Amberlite resin in a plastic bag, and dispose of the bag in the hazardous waste.
- Add 100 mg of powdered activated charcoal for each 100 mL of solution.
- Store the solution for 1 hour at room temperature, shaking it intermitently.
- Filter the solution through a whatman No.1 filter and discard the filtrate.
- Seal the filter and activated charcoal in a plastic bag and dispose of the bag in the hazardous waste.
- Treatment of dilute solutions of EtBr with Hypochlorite (bleach) is not recommended as a method of decontamination. Such treatment reduces the mutagenic activity af EtBr in the Salmonella/microsome assay by about 1000-fold, but it converts the dye into a compound that is mutagenic in the absence of microsomes (Quillardet and Hofnung 1988)
- EtBr decomposed at 262 Celcius and is unlikely to be hazardous after incineration under standar condition.
- Slurries of amberlite XAD-16 or activated charcoal can be used to decontaminate surfaces that become contaminated by EtBr.