Decontamination of Concentrated Solutions of EtBr (Solutions containing >0.5 mg/ml)
Method 1
This method (Lunn and Sansone 1987) reduces the mutagenetic activity of EtBr in the Salmonella/ microsome assay by approximately 200-fold.
- Add Sufficient water to reduce the concentration of EtBr to <0.5>
- To the resulting solution, add 0.2 volume of fresh 5% hypophosphorous acid and 0.12 volume of fresh 0.5M sodium nitrite. Mix carefully. Check that the pH of the solution is <3.0.
- After incubation for 24 hours at room temperature, add a large excess of 1M sodium bicarbonate. The solution may now be discarded.
Sodium nitrite solution (0.5M) should be freshly prepared by dissloving 34.5 g of sodium nitrite in water to a final volume of 500 ml.
Method 2
This method (Quillardet and Hofnung 1988) reduces the mutagenenic activity of EtBr in Salmonella/microsome assay by approximately 300-fold. However, there are reports (Lunn and Sansone, 1987) of mutagenic activity in occasional batches of "blanks" treated with decontamination solutions.
- Add sufficient water to reduce the concentration of ETBr to<0.5>
- Add 1 volume of 0.5 M KMnO4. Mix carefully, and then add 1 volume of 2.5 N HCl. Mix carefully, and allow the solution to stand at room temperature for several hours. Caution:KMnO4 is irritant and is explosive. Solutions containing KMnO4 should be handled in a chemical hood.
- Add 1 volume 0f 2.5 N NaOH. Mix carefully, and then discard the solution.